Seven steps to making a memorial poem
  1. To make the process all the more meaningful, consider these questions:
    • What’s your intention in making a poem for your loved one?
    • What’s the benefit you seek?

  2. Reach out. Tell me your interests and your questions. Then we can schedule a free 15-minute phone consult to discuss the best way forward.

  3. Choose the level of your participation and my service:
    • Commission: Based on our conversation and your (or your group’s) written reflections, I write the poem for you, incorporating two sets of your revisions.
    • Four-by-Four: You enlist three others and enroll in a series of four one-hour online classes. I coach each of you as you write and revise your poems in a setting of mutual support.

  4. Choose the extras:
    • an audio recording of the poem as I voice it
    • a digital image of the poem, on a background and with a photo you select, to upload to your phone
    • assistance arranging for printing and framing the poem

  5. We complete a Memo of Understanding to record our agreements about who does what and by when. You send me your payment — credit cards accepted.

  6. I provide the services and you provide the participation that we have agreed upon.

  7. Unless you choose otherwise, I publish the poem on as a public or private post, as you wish.