Pictures of Helen

To Helen I was honey, sweetheart, darling,
Punkin’ Noodle, Powerful Katrinka, the 
Hiccup Queen of Ardsley

She was mom to me

Five foot two, eyes of blue
Rounded, in a comfortable way
Blunt cut, wispy, salt & pepper Dutch boy

She scoured the sports pages, devoured the news
Inked the Times crossword and acrostic 
Nudged numbers and letters into budgets and ledgers
Beamed pride into her filing systems
Diligently dusted the household 
Chambers of beiges and browns

Boasted she drove like a cab driver 
Hummed as she cooked, 
Warbled “No more money in the bank…”
In a tune she couldn’t carry
Laughed with embarrassment 
Walked a mile every night after supper   
With her other honey 

Although she entertained to perfection
Dazzling friends with dessert
Pineapple Delight whirled with whipped cream
Hot apple tart dolloped with hard sauce, melting
She’d be relegated to the background, mystified

And lost in the background, she'd rave superlatives 
About her nights at the opera, ballet, symphony, theater — marvelous!
Quote essays she’d read in The Progressive, The Nation
Act out her passions — fair housing, consumer rights, 
Food banks, vigils, marches

Cycle through her favorite stories and
Favorite quotes, sing the praises of
Dr. Callan and The New School for Social Research, 
Her wonderful first boss, Mr. Wright,
New York artist, John Sennhauser

From her mid-twenties, for ten years 
She took the trolley to Sennhauser's studio
And with a palette dark and thick and bold
Painted people into being seen

Decades later, proud and unsure,
She would show me the canvases, say
“They’re pretty good, don’t you think?”

Today we give these pictures one more life
Foreground her light

Yes, Helen. Yes.

— by Lisa Sarasohn, based on conversations with
and notes by Judith Glixon