a poem to remember
your loved one

Dutch Iris. Known as a goddess in ancient Greece, Iris is the divine messenger soothing grief by sustaining the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth.

Let’s not grieve alone.
Let’s not mourn in silence.
Let’s not stay numb to our sorrow.

We need a safe way

In grief, we need a safe way to feel the loss of our loved ones. Especially when we’ve been isolated from friends and family, unable to gather for services and funerals, we need a way to pay our respects, say good-bye to our loved ones, mark their passing, celebrate their lives.

Making a memorial poem

Creating a memorial poem, and the poem itself, can meet these needs, providing a consoling container for grief and sorrow as we honor our loved ones and come to terms with our loss.

My name is Lisa. I’m a seasoned poet and writing teacher. I’ve lost loved ones and I’ve had to work through grief. I’m here to support you in making a memorial poem in the way that works best for you.

Choosing a service

You might choose to write on your own, or together with family and friends, using my free Writing Guide to keep you company.

You might like to have one-to-one coaching as you write, or take part with a few others in a series of four online classes.

You might prefer to commission a memorial poem. Drawing on your written reflections and our conversation, I’ll craft the poem for you.

Sustaining memory

A memorial poem sustains the memory of your loved one. It captures the images and stories that have made this person, and your relationship, unique. And it records remembrances too important to be forgotten.

Reach out

Connect with me here — let me know your interests, tell me your questions. Then, if you wish, we can set up a free 15-minute consult to discuss the best way forward.

What people are saying

In one testimonial, a woman has remarked:

Imagine weaving precious memories into an evocative poem to share at services and personal ceremonies.

A beautiful, touching poem that honors your love, your relationship, your appreciation, with the power of heartfelt, thoughtful, and subtle language.

A treasure that can be read, printed, framed — an enduring remembrance.


purple petaled flower

On Your Own

Write the poem yourself (or with family and friends) using my free Writing Guide.

pair of irises


Use my Writing Guide to draft your poem. I’ll help you polish what you’ve written.

pink flower with foliage


I write the poem based on your notes, our conversation, and two sets of your revisions.

Louisiana Iris Black Gamecock. Known as a goddess in ancient Greece, Iris is the divine messenger soothing grief by sustaining the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth.


Enlist three others and enroll in a set of four classes. I’ll coach you in writing your poems.

May you find solace in the release that poem-making provides.

Free Guide: Making a Memorial Poem

Lisa asked penetrating questions that triggered long lost memories of years gone by, years when I was a child enthralled by my quirky Great (great!) Aunt Mary.

I had only one small change for Lisa’s first draft. It is uncanny how well she captured both my Aunt and my relationship with her. Lisa’s poem is like having a song written just for us, our connection captured for all time.

— Laura Frisbie
BodyMind Therapist